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Healing Stones

Get closer to God by expanding your understanding and knowledge of Spirituality, Spiritualism, and Mediumship.

Image by Andrew Neel

Reflect On Your Reflection

Writer's picture: Brad PerdueBrad Perdue

Each day, what you see in the mirror is the reflection of your physical being. It's not really you. The roles you inhabit each day, and how they are reflected back to you: as friend, lover, parent, elder or child, worker or leader are different selves you create as the situation summons them. You are a spirit being –energy materialized into a human body – having a human experience rather than physical being having a spiritual experience. You are wired into a powerful creative energy source available upon command.

Take a step back from your routine and as you deeply breathe, honestly, fearlessly look about you. How has your world changed over the past two or more years? Most common these days are that a protective mask (fancy or plain) will be close at hand or covering your face, your living space is smaller and much more controlled, as well as individuals are limited into or near your functioning area. Look closely for there are both positive and negative aspects to every situation as we look sincerely. Voice controlled objects wait your command. Alexa may be your number one companion!! What thoughts permeate your mind day in and day out? Are they of limitation, control, concern, dread, or fear? Are they of hope, cheer, joy, and delight? A balanced blend is best.

A constant flow of these energies and social interactions will over time cause you to form a much different outer projection of you which in turn changes the response energies your will receive. As natural law dictates, as you give so shall you receive. “...Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back…” Luke (6:38).

Be aware of your truths. Make wise decisions about yourself and your intentions toward others. In doing so we promote spiritual balanced energies. Together we will understand the changes each one of us must address. You are a significant one who will move humanity forward to a better tomorrow through your every thought, word, and deed.


Rev. Jackie Reeves



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